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Taiwan land bank, Taiwan cooperative Treasury bank, fubang hua I bank, Taiwan wangdao bank, Taiwan yongfeng leasing co., LTD.,
Source: | Author:壮特五金 | Published time: 1532 days ago | 1426 Views | Share:
Taiwan land bank, Taiwan cooperative Treasury bank, fubang hua I bank, Taiwan wangdao bank, Taiwan yongfeng leasing co., LTD., tianjin zhuang te hardware co., LTD., tianjin zhongyan mushroom co., LTD., and other 7 financial institutions and enterprises funded in tianjin and Taiwan enterprises association representatives
In order to effectively promote the implementation of relevant policies and measures on financial services in huitai, enhance the availability and acquisition of financial services for financial institutions and enterprises in tianjin and Taiwan, and help create a favorable business environment, the mfa has recently organized a research symposium on the implementation of policies and measures on financial services in huitai. Land bank of Taiwan, Taiwan cooperative bank, a bank, bank of Taiwan king, fubon China Taiwan sinopac leasing co., LTD., tianjin strong hardware co., LTD., tianjin in delaying fungus mushroom co., LTD., and other seven in Taiwan financial institutions, enterprises and companies in tianjin, tianjin association representatives, as well as the municipal finance bureau, the municipal Taiwan affairs, silver protects inspect bureau in tianjin, tianjin securities regulatory bureau, the People's Bank of China tianjin branch, tianjin administration of foreign exchange and other relevant departments responsible for the comrades to attend the meeting.

In July 2018, for the further implementation of the spirit and the party's 19 xi general secretary to work the important thoughts, further deepening the tianjin economic social and cultural exchanges and cooperation, according to Taiwan affairs office, the National Development and Reform Commission on the promote cross-strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation, a number of measures ", the city issued "on further deepening of Zimbabwe's economic and social cultural exchange measures" (52). At the meeting, we had a sincere and in-depth exchange of views on the implementation and effectiveness of relevant financial services policies and measures in the past year since the implementation of article 52 of huitai. Representatives of taiwan-funded financial institutions and enterprises introduced the availability of financial services, existing difficulties and further demands for financial services based on the actual situation of individuals and units living and operating in tianjin, and put forward relevant opinions and Suggestions. The municipal Taiwan affairs office, the people's bank of China tianjin branch, the tianjin banking and insurance regulatory bureau and the tianjin securities regulatory bureau introduced the work of promoting the implementation of financial services policies and measures, and actively responded to and answered the questions raised by representatives of taiwan-funded financial institutions and enterprises in obtaining financial services. The capital market department of the financial bureau of the municipal People's Republic of China announced the policies on supporting the rapid development of enterprises' listing and financing, and encouraged the participating Taiwan enterprises to actively utilize the multi-level mainland capital market for financing, so as to help them accelerate their development.